I had always been fascinated by cookies......ever since my "Noddy" days! Then Enid Blyton further augmented that infatuation, to the point where I used to push my mother daily to make the stuff I read about. After so much pestering, one day her patience finally wore off, and she threatened to stop buying me books. Books are my life and blood. Give me any book.....on any topic....and it is enough to keep me occupied and H.A.P.P.Y!! It is aptly said "Once a reader, is always a reader".....So I was forced to concentrate on the content and not on menu.
Dusting my shelves for the Diwali cleaning, I found my stack of all the Enid Blytons, carefully wrapped away behind the present day crushes of Paul Coelho, Danielle Steel etc. Gleefully I unwrapped them with the thought of just peeking in. However for me, no "peeking in" is complete until I've read the whole book....don't blame me....that's the charm of old books. And the Diwali cleaning....ahh! yes you guessed it right! It went for a toss. One look at those childhood memories and out came my baking pans and the staples.