If I tell you that I am an ardent chocolate lover, you won't believe me...I know!! My fault, I know...coz you won't find many chocolate recipes on here. But the truth is I test a recipe numerous times before posting it here, and chocolate being my love, requires n number of tests to be passed, before I am really, really satisfied with it....
So my quest for the perfect chocolate cake went on and on...some recipes were finicky with mediocre results, some dry, some not so chocolatey...some were really weird....some resulting in such hard outputs, that you can use it as foundation for constructing your house😑😑....until I stumbled upon this one. I tested it multiple times and was totally satisfied every time. This is one recipe that ticks off all the points on my list:
Easy, simple (heck! you don't even need to take out your hand mixer, a whisk does the job!!!), fluffy, moistest, almost melts in your mouth, aaaaand as CHOCOLATEY as a chocolate can be!!